Thursday, September 24, 2009

All better

(Iron Man, 3/4 version)

Your faith in me is not unwarranted. I may not be a computer genius, but I am not incapable of curing a rather nasty virus that got by my antivirus software, or at least neutralizing it enough to get us by until I can do a thorough cleaning. Yes, I'm tooting my own horn, but you were pretty pleased with me, too. After all, it means that Cartoon "Nef"work and Starfall are still only a click away. Oh, and have I mentioned how proud I have been at your choice in activities on the computer lately? Starfall (aka, a learning site) over Ben 10? Wow.

Today, you asked me if it was OK to tell your teacher about our impending move because sometimes you just want to, and I said it was OK, not knowing that you had already told her. Apparently, she was pretty distraught over it because she mentioned it to grandma during pickup today. You are the Good Student. The Rule Follower. Teachers adore you. I wonder if that's your maturity over your peers, or if it's your DNA. Grandma said you stand in line by yourself before the bell rings instead of playing with your friends on the playground and I wonder if that's good for you, or if it's ultimately going to isolate you. You are a rule follower, much like I was, and I would very much like you to enjoy being a kid more than I did. As long as you aren't getting sent to the principal every day, it's cool to let your hair down every once in a while, okay?

Basically, it's ok to act like yourself. Pretend you are at home when you are at school and you'll do just fine, kiddo.


Your mother, who is constantly giving you advice you do not want.

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