Monday, November 23, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree

I planned on having you enrolled at your new school this week, but the school was in no hurry to enroll a new student on a three day week and a friend brought up a very good point: Since it is a holiday week, it is likely that both school's will be doing something fun on Wednesday and being the new kid would be no fun at all. So, your paperwork is turned in, but you won't start until Monday. I actually tossed around the idea of keeping you at your old school for the year, but ultimately, I know this is the better choice. I can come up with a multitude of reasons, but it really boils down to my work shift and keeping you out of afterschool care. Part of it is financial(why pay for afterschool care when it's not necessary?), but the other part of it is that I WANT to be able to pick you up from school. I want to be there when you come trudging out of the classroom in line formation. I want to know your teacher. I want to have this time with you while I can.

I drew you a Christmas Tree because it is relevant. Normally, I wait until after Thanksgiving to put up the Christmas decorations, but I needed the whimsy NOW, so the tree went up on Saturday. Yes, we are officially those people; the one's who have the Christmas station tuned in way before it's appropriate and the bah-humbug types can kiss my shiny red nose. Or Rudolph's, since I don't really have a shiny red nose.

I love the lights, the ribbons, the silver and gold and red. I love opening up the ornaments and reattaching memories to them. Each one is special, right down to the ugly purple-maned-unicorn-in-a-plastic-gazebo that I acquired during the oh-so-tasteful eighties. I buy you an ornament of your choice every year, usually something I consider less than beautiful (like a plastic superhero); in the hope that you smile as you unwrap those each year.

Just don't be surprised if they magically end up on the back of the tree with the unicorn.

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