Wednesday, January 13, 2010


You have two favorite stuffed animals, both of the floppy, beanie baby type variety that you got when you were a baby. You never had a security blanket, and you didn't have security "animals" until about a year ago, at which point you attached yourself to Monkey (who I drew earlier this year in his Spiderman getup). This is Beary and Beary was originally a stand-in for Monkey when you left him at your dad's one time. He was stored with your baby stuff, but he was the best substitute for Monkey that I could think of and you were delighted when I showed him to you. I thought I was being creative when you asked what you should name him and I suggested "Blueberry!" but you stuck with Beary. I can't remember who bought it for you, but it was brought to you in the hospital right after you were born. Maybe it was Becky.

In other news, I bribed you into trying a pistachio tonight by offering you an M & M and lo and behold! You loved 'em. A year ago, you would have turned your nose up and no amount of bribery would have made you try that nut that is green and reminds you of the color of grass. Just another example of how much you are growing! Oh, and you stepped on the scale the other day (granted you had your clothes on, but no shoes) and you are pushing sixty pounds! No wonder I almost broke my back carrying your sleeping noodle self up the stairs the other night. I measured you yesterday and you are about a centimeter shy of 48 inches. That's FOUR FEET TALL, which means you are only a foot and a half shorter than me. You still look so little to me, but when I see it in the measurements perspective, I realize that you are really so much bigger than I see. Suddenly, I appreciate that I can still see the top of your head without stretching. Of course I want you to grow, but I appreciate what you still are.


Your Mom who is feeling rather short tonight

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