Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sick Day

You went 100 days without missing a single day of school and even got an award for perfect attendance before you left your last school; but today when you called me all sniffly, snuffly and sneezy at work, I knew your perfect attendance streak had come to its conclusion. So I came home early and you got back in your comfy jammies and we sat in your bedroom and played Super Mario 64 for most of the day. I made you a grilled cheese sammich with tomato soup for lunch and a super cheesy pizza for dinner and sent you to bed with a massive dose of store brand Vapor Rub.

You didn't want to go to bed tonight because the weather was making you nervous and you kept asking me if we were going to have a tornado. We are experiencing some pretty extreme middle of winter weather here in the desert and my guess is that you were watching The Weather Channel this morning with Grandma and heard mention of tornado somewhere; so it was pretty ironic that we did get a tornado warning for our exact location tonight. It might also explain why our cat, Digit the Storm Chaser, was going nuts at the windows shortly before the worst of it hit us.

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