Monday, March 22, 2010


You thought you weren't ready for Spring Break to end, but I knew you were ready by the way you clung onto my every move. You were bored. You missed your friends and today ended up being a marvelous day because you got a "BRAVO!" which meant a trip to the prize box. You picked out a small Slinky, but when I got home, you walked up to my car with a forlorn look on your face and showed me your formerly slinky SLINKY that had, in the space of two hours, become a rather warped slinky. Of course I promised to buy you another, you worked hard for that.

You are Student of the Week this week and I got the notice on Friday, March 12th on what we needed to do to prepare. It was simple - get a brown paper bag, put three things that fit in there for "Show and Tell" and make a poster with pictures and interests. We had plenty of time to do that stuff over Spring Break, so I tucked the note back in your folder.

You know what that means; I found the note this last Sunday afternoon and rushed out to the store for poster board, forgetting all about the paper bags and made a half-rate version of the story of your life. I'm not sure how I'm going to teach you about time-management if I am a horrible example of it myself.

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