Monday, March 1, 2010

A Horse is a Horse, of Course

I think this is the second time I've drawn you a horse in recent weeks, but I spent a little bit more time on this one. Actually, this is really the only thing (and the rose) that I can say is all mine. An original. There are very few drawings that have actually come from my head, so I hope you like it.

So I have to tell you what you did this weekend, it was the cutest thing: We were standing on the patio and one of your friends was riding around the area on his bike. You walked up to the gate, put your little hand up and said "Whatup, Sergio?" WHATUP? Oh my gosh, it was so stinking cute because you said it like whatup like it has been part of your dialogue for years. Seriously. Cute.

We had visitors over the weekend; it was my friend and her two girls (and girls are just ICKY!). When they showed up, your friend Tristan was still outside and as soon as they saw them he said, "dude, they are staying with you? Awww man, good luck." and you gave him this little "dude, I know" eye roll.

When you came inside you asked for your book of pictures and I can't tell you how much that melted my heart because that was validation that this thing I've been doing since your first day of kindergarten is special to you. I don't think the girls ever saw it (as was certainly your intention), but I saw it. I noticed. And as it turns out, you and those icky girls had a fabulous time together and you can't wait for them to come back again. I am not surprised at all.

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