Wednesday, March 31, 2010


It's been nothing short of amazing to watch you soak up knowledge this year. Last night, you brought home a book and some homework papers to complete. One of the papers contained ten or so math problems. I went off to do something for maybe two minutes, and when I came back, you had completed the math worksheet and had moved on to the next task. All but two were right, and when I pointed them out, you said "Oh, I thought that was ADDITION!" and corrected it immediately. You read the book like it was nothing new, and it contained words like "could" and "would"; stuff that's not all that easy to learn if you are used to phonics. Even your drawings, once consisting of little more than a few lines, now look like funky chickens:

You are learning about ladybug's in school right now and actually have some in your classroom. When I asked if you had held any, you told me no and you have absolutely no intention of doing so.

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