Friday, September 25, 2009

Yoda Lay Hee Hoooooo

(Yoda Voice): Love you and adore you, much I do.

You told me you had a "test" today, because someone came in and asked you questions. When she asked you how high you can count, you said that you can count to forty. You can actually count much higher, but you said forty. I could go off into a lecture about being confident in yourself, but I think you've had enough of my wisdom for one week. I know I've been especially talky.

It's hard for me to believe you've been in school for two months already. You have matured so much in these two short months and it is increasingly difficult to catch glimpses of my tiny baby anymore. It's bittersweet. Lovely and wonderful, but bittersweet. You are really such a fabulous kid and any time I start to second guess my parenting decisions, all I need to do is look at the boy you are today to realize that I must be doing something right.


Mom. Who played too much Nintendo DS, again, tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog and wanted to let you know how much I love it. I sent my son to "real" school too this year and can totally identify with much of what you say. My son is so grown up, so little.
